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Light of the World

What can you see?

If I asked you, 'What can you see?', you would probably talk about the things that you can see around you. But maybe there is another answer to that question, more about that later.

Dudley: Sight Seeing

Dudley the duck has been to lots of places during half term. He went to London, on the London Eye, but he wont tell us what he saw He went to Wales, climbing mount Snowdon, but he wont tell us what he saw. He also went to Alton Towers, on the roller coasters, but he wont tell us what he saw. Eventually he says that he saw . . . Nothing. He had his eyes closed. Just in case he saw something that he didn't want to see.

Using Lego man torch

A light can be great it can show us where things are and also show us the way to go.

Jesus Heals 2 Blind Men - Matt 20

Just imagine not being able to see, try it; close your eyes, what can you see? . . . Nothing.

There were two men in this Bible story and they were blind. Good new though, Jesus had come to visit Jericho where they lived.

Can you imagine their conversation?

"I would really like to see Jesus, and see all the things he can do."

"Yeah but you can't can you, 'cause your Blind."

"oh yeah, I forgot."

One day they were sitting outside the city when they heard a crowd getting closer. Year 6 can start being the crowd, just a low rumbling noise. Then as each year group joins in the crowd get closer and louder. The two blind men might have thought this was their last chance to 'see' Jesus, so they called to Him.

"Jesus, son of David ... Help."

Jesus called the two men to him, and brought light into their darkness.


A light helps us to see and it shows what is around us. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.'' John 8:12. Jesus can show us how we can look out for others and also show us the way to God. Keep your eyes open today what will you see today? Or maybe you will see something in a new way.

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